
Maximise Your Indoor Playground Profits with Ancillary Services


Growing your indoor playground business involves much more than just providing an engaging and safe play environment. Offering ancillary services can significantly enhance the overall visitor experience while increasing your playground’s revenue. In this article, we’ll explore effective yet diverse strategies to incorporate ancillary services within your indoor playground, discuss how these services can improve your facility, and examine the role of experienced playground equipment manufacturers like Afacan Park in ensuring your success.

Ancillary services go beyond the primary offerings of an indoor playground and include everything from food and beverages to workshops, classes, and private events. By incorporating these additional revenue-generating sources, you create a comprehensive and memorable experience for your customers and establish a robust stream of income that can boost your playground’s profitability. The key to success lies in identifying the right mix of ancillary services that align with your clientele and your facility’s primary theme and offerings.

To help you navigate the myriad of potential avenues for expansion, we’ll delve into popular but effective ancillary services that you can adopt within your indoor playground. From catering options and themed party packages to seasonal workshops and memberships or loyalty schemes, offering a diverse range of ancillary services can establish your indoor playground as the go-to venue for families seeking a comprehensive, enjoyable, and memorable experience. Furthermore, we will highlight the importance of partnering with industry-leading playground equipment manufacturers like Afacan Park to ensure seamless integration and quality delivery of all your playground offerings.

1. Catering Options: From Snacks to Full-Service Dining

Food and beverage offerings are crucial to an indoor playground’s overall experience. Families tend to spend hours at the facility, and hungry kids and parents alike will appreciate convenient and quality dining options on-site. Consider providing a range of catering services, such as:

– A simple snack bar with healthy and child-friendly options

– A café serving hot and cold beverages, sandwiches, and light meals

– A full-service restaurant with an extensive menu for families to enjoy

Remember to cater to various dietary needs and preferences, offering vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and allergen-friendly options to accommodate all of your guests.

2. Themed Party Packages: Creating Unforgettable Memories

Birthday parties and private events are excellent revenue generators and can help build long-term relationships with families who may become repeat customers. Offer customisable, themed party packages that include:

– Reserved party rooms or play areas

– Themed décor and tableware, catering options, and entertainment

– Party hosts or coordinators to ensure a seamless and enjoyable event

– Add-ons such as character appearances, face painting, or arts and crafts activities

Ensure your themed party packages cater to different budgets, preferences, and age groups to maximise their appeal to a broader clientele base.

3. Workshops and Classes: Educational and Skill-Building Experiences

Providing workshops and classes within your indoor playground can bolster your reputation as a provider of educationally enriching experiences. Offer a variety of engaging and fun workshops or classes, such as:

– Art and craft sessions, teaching skills like painting, pottery, or sewing

– Educational workshops focusing on science, technology, or mathematics

– Physical activities like dance or yoga classes for different age groups

– Parent and child classes, fostering bonding and shared experiences

Regularly refreshing your class offerings can keep families engaged and entice them to return for further visits.

4. Memberships and Loyalty Schemes: Cultivating Customer Relationships

Implementing membership options or loyalty schemes can help you retain customers by rewarding their continued patronage. Consider offering various membership tiers or loyalty schemes that provide value-added perks such as:

– Discounted admission fees, party packages, or food and beverage purchases

– Members-only events and workshops or early access to new programs

– Priority booking for peak hours, classes, or events

– Exclusive merchandise or promotions tailored to loyal customers

Collaborating with Afacan Park for Seamless Integration

Partnering with a trusted playground equipment manufacturer like Afacan Park can be pivotal to your indoor playground’s success. Their expertise in designing, building, and installing play equipment can facilitate the seamless integration of your ancillary services. Afacan Park’s commitment to quality, safety, and innovation ensures that your ancillary services complement and enhance your play area while maintaining your facility’s high standards.


Incorporating ancillary services within your indoor playground can help increase your revenue by providing a comprehensive and memorable experience catering to the diverse preferences of modern families. By offering a mix of catering options, themed party packages, workshops and classes, and membership or loyalty schemes, you create an environment that keeps customers coming back for more. Drawing on the expertise and support of established playground equipment manufacturers like Afacan Park, you can ensure the seamless integration of your ancillary services, safeguarding your indoor playground’s reputation as a must-visit destination for families seeking fun, engaging, and enriching experiences.