

Afacanpark Children’s Play Groups and Centers Ltd. (Afacanpark) places utmost importance on protecting individuals’ fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly the privacy of private life as regulated in Article 20 of the Constitution. In this context, Afacanpark is committed to ensuring the lawful protection and processing of personal data, incorporating this approach into all its planning and activities.

Acting with the awareness that the protection of personal data, which forms the basis of the privacy of private life, is fundamental, Afacanpark not only evaluates the protection and processing of personal data within the scope of compliance with the legislation but also values the importance it gives to individuals. Acting with this consciousness, Afacanpark takes all necessary administrative and technical measures to securely store personal data and prevent its unlawful processing.

In this regard, information regarding the processing and transfer conditions of personal data generated or shared during the use of the “” & “” websites in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 is provided below.

  1. Definitions

Website: The website located at “”

Website: The website located at “”

Law: Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.

Personal Data: Any kind of information related to an identified or identifiable real person.

Online Visitor/Concerned Person: All individuals accessing the Website. This group is included in the relevant company policies as Visitors.

Board: Personal Data Protection Board.

Company: Afacanpark Children’s Play Groups and Centers Ltd.

Service Provider: Refers to individuals or legal entities that provide or operate systems hosting services and content in the online environment.

  1. Processed Personal Data

The personal data processed based on the access of the Online Visitor to the Website and the transactions performed on the Website are as follows:

For Online Visitors who visit the Website,

  • Transaction Security Information (IP address, site traffic information, etc.)
  • Cookie Information

For Online Visitors who fill out the forms on the Website,

  • Identity Information (name, surname)
  • Contact Information (email address)

In addition to the above, it is possible to process other data that may be mandatory for the operation, development, and security of the Website in accordance with the Law.

  1. Method and Legal Basis of Personal Data Processing

Personal data are collected by completely automatic or partially automatic means through the use of the Website and filling out the communication form, to be stored for the period necessary for the purpose of processing.

Personal data are processed based on the explicit consent of the Online Visitor. However, personal data may be processed without explicit consent based on one of the legal reasons specified in Article 5, paragraph 2 of the Law, including (i) explicitly prescribed by laws, (ii) being obligatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, (iii) necessity for the establishment, use, or protection of a right, (iv) necessity for the legitimate interests of the data controller provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the personal data subjects.

  1. Purposes of Personal Data Processing

In case the legal conditions specified in the Law or other conditions specified in Article 5, paragraph 2 of the Law are met, personal data can be processed for the following purposes related to the transactions performed by the Online Visitor on the Website:

For “Identity and contact information,” in case of filling out the communication form, for the conduct/supervision of business activities, management of customer relations processes, tracking of requests/complaints, and conducting communication activities within this scope, For “Site traffic information,” for the conduct of information security processes. On the other hand, there is an obligation for the Service Provider to record and keep site traffic information in accordance with Law No. 5651 and other regulations. Processing of personal data for the purpose of sending commercial electronic messages is subject to the explicit consent of the Online Visitor.

Third-party cookies are not used on the Website. However, only cookies that are mandatory for the operation and security of the site can be used. The Online Visitor can change browser settings to refuse cookies or enable notifications. When cookies are disabled, certain functions of the Website may not work properly.

The following links provide information on how to manage (and disable) cookies in some commonly used browsers:

Chrome Browser:

Internet Explorer:

Mozilla Firefox:


  1. To Whom and for What Purpose Processed Personal Data Can Be Transferred

Personal data can be transferred to Afacanpark’s group companies limited to the purposes specified in the fourth article of this text, within the framework of the conditions specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law, with the necessary security measures taken.

If one of the conditions specified in Article 5, paragraph 2 of the Law is not met, the transfer of Personal Data is subject to the explicit consent of the Online Visitor.

  1. Rights of the Personal Data Subject According to Article 11 of the Law

In accordance with Article 10 of the Law, Afacanpark informs the data subject about their rights, guides them on how to use these rights, and implements all necessary internal procedures, administrative, and technical regulations.

According to Article 11 of the Law, data subjects have the right to:

Learn whether their personal data are processed, Request information if their personal data have been processed, Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with this purpose, Know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred, whether domestically or abroad, Request correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed, Request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law, Request notification of the operations (correction and deletion of data) made under Article 11 (d) and (e) to third parties to whom personal data are transferred according to the Law, Object to the emergence of a result against the person as a result of the analysis of the processed data exclusively through automated systems, Demand the compensation of the damage in case of suffering damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

Requests and applications related to the implementation of the Law can be personally delivered in writing to the address “ASTİS Sanayi Sitesi Ata Mah. 771 Sok. No:7E Aydın Türkiye” by filling out the Personal Data Subject Application Form or sent by notary.

Requests and applications can also be sent to the email address if the data subject has an electronic mail address registered in Afacanpark’s system.

In requests and applications:

Name, surname, and, if the application is in writing, signature, For Turkish Republic citizens, the Turkish Republic identification number; for foreigners, nationality, passport number, or, if any, identification number, Residential or business address for notification, If any, the email address, telephone, and fax number for notification, The subject of the request, Must be included.

Information and documents related to the subject must be attached to the application.

Afacanpark concludes the requests submitted by the data subject within the shortest time possible, and at the latest within thirty days, free of charge. However, if the execution of the transaction requires an additional cost, a fee specified in the tariff determined by the Board may be charged.

Afacanpark may accept or reject the request, explaining the reason, and notifies the Relevant Person in writing or electronically. If the request is accepted, Afacanpark fulfills the necessary actions as soon as possible and informs the Relevant Person.

If the application is rejected, the response is found insufficient, or no response is given to the application within the specified period, the data subject has the right to complain to the Board within thirty days from the date they learned about the response and, in any case, within sixty days from the application date.

  1. Data Security

Afacanpark is obliged to take all necessary administrative and technical measures to prevent the unlawful processing of personal data and unauthorized access to personal data, to ensure the preservation of personal data, and to ensure the provision of an appropriate level of security.

If there is redirection to other sites or applications through the website, Afacanpark is not informed about the compliance of the redirected sites and applications with the legislation for the protection of personal data and does not assume any responsibility for their privacy policies and contents.

The Online Visitor declares that they have read all the conditions written in this informative text and have been informed about the processing of their personal data by using the Website.